Health and Safety
PNGK’s system for managing health and safety across the company is regulated by our internal Occupational Health and Safety Policy, which is binding for all employees and contractors, and aims to reduce the risk of injuries and accidents at our production facilities. It is being continuously developed in compliance with advanced international standards, including ISO 45001 occupational health and safety requirements.
The wellbeing of employees and contractors is of extreme importance to PNGK, and we promote an active health and safety culture within the Company. PNGK pays thorough attention to the labor safety aspects, strictly observing all legislative norms of the Russian Federation and international law, considering the main concern to create a safe working environment. QHSE training and procedures are rigorous and are promoted to an international standard. The Company introduced standards for ensuring the safety of food, water supply, and the sanitary and hygienic condition of production facilities, as well as organizing medical examinations for employees.
In accordance with Federal Law No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013 “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”, LLC Panyelskaya Oil and gas Company conducted a special assessment of working conditions at all workplaces, during which no harmful and/or hazardous production factors were identified. This occur due to LLC PNGK constantly maintaining a high level of readiness for localization and elimination of the consequences of possible emergencies.
PNGK's industrial safety management system provides a unified methodology and monitoring at all levels of the company's management. In 2021, Panyelskaya’s Board established a dedicated HSE Committee and the position of HSE Officer to support the CEO through supervising the strategy implementation, development and introduction of policies and standards, mitigation of key sustainability risks, and ensuring crossfunctional communication between top managers and experts. The Committee’s ability to successfully address safety issues relies on setting strategic objectives, goals and areas of focus, and addressing material issues in industrial safety, labour safety and the environment.
We actively promote industrial safety culture in all of our facilities and adhere to the principles of zero tolerance to injuries and accidents.